Sunday, September 20, 2009

Biker Killed Saturday

Yesterday afternoon, a rider was killed here in Central NY. My instinct is to react with sympathy when I hear such news, and I did this time as well. At least, until I read the news story here.

Why do people think it's okay to do shit like this on public highways? I don't feel even the slightest bit sorry for this jackass. He got everything he deserved. There is no excuse for such a public disregard for, not only traffic laws, but general safety as well.

Now, sport bikes are not my cup of tea, and I hold no ill-will towards their riders, as a whole. The article does not say what type of bike this moron was on, but I'd be willing to bet a week's paycheck that it wasn't a cruiser.

I can only hope that his riding buddies now realize that their antics do have repercussions.


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