Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey, can I borrow your bike sometime?

That was the first sentence out of the mouth of a co-worker this morning as I arrived at work.  I quickly informed him "you'll be ok when you wake up."  "No, seriously, man"  OK, this is getting good.  "I love riding but I can't afford a bike and I want to ride so bad.  Can't you just let me borrow it for a day?"

Given that this kid drives a variety of pieced together mid 90's pickup trucks (whichever one of them happens to be running that day), and none of them have all the same color doors and panels,  I'm not letting this kid anywhere near my bike.

He gave me the most puzzling look ever when I responded with, "Sure, you can borrow my bike anytime you want to."

"Really, I'll hook up with you when the weather gets better.  I really appreciate it man"

"Just remember to bring a cashier's check for $7,000, a plate and insurance.  I'll sign the title and hand you the keys"

"I don't want to buy it, I can't afford it.  I just want to ride it, you just said I could"

"I don't let people ride my bike.  You want to ride it, you buy it"

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